Greetings AC Family,
This week’s video is a special holiday-themed episode. Titled ‘Twas the Ants’ Night Before Christmas, it is a poem about the ant colonies we followed on our channel this year, recapping some of their most memorable moments in 2016, and the gifts we gave them for Christmas on behalf of the AC Family. We also announce the official names of both our Black & Yellow Crazy Ant colonies as voted by you, the AC Family. This video is also a celebration for hitting 500K subs. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! Hope you enjoy this special video.
What I Gave My Ants for Christmas | ‘Twas the Ants’ Night Before Christmas
Please subscribe to my channel! ding
Thank you, enjoy the video!
music (Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy)
‘Twas the ants’ night before Christmas,
In the home of the master,
Not a creature was stirring, not even
A hamster.
A gift from above
For all Fire Nation ants
Set in the offering temple ding
From the AC fam.
The workers indulged
In joy and jubilation
As this gift brought nourishment
To their great Fire Nation.
It’s been an epic journey
Of both wonder and fear
As we reminisce the memories
Of this colony’s year.
We watched as these fire ants quite eagerly moved in
To every home we gave them;
They even showed us they could swim.
They inspired and humbled us
As they seized all prey.
At times, it got ugly
But that’s just nature’s way.
Completely unaware, YouTube fame found these girls.
You named them the Fire Nation.
You voted from around the world.
ding dong And speaking of voting, over countless days and nights,
AC fam, you officially named these black crazy ants:
ding The Dark Knights.
So the Dark Knights we celebrated with burning Christmas torches
For the preparation of our gift to them:
Canadian-honey-dipped roaches.
This year, we marveled
At how the Dark Knights perfected
Moving through the Fire Nation
Completely undetected.
Not a maze too hard could outsmart their clever.
They’ve even found a way for their colonies to live forever.
All hail the Dark Knights,
Go and feast all you can
Upon this Christmas gift
From we, the AC fam.
Oh, we’re not through yet. Another colony remains,
And the AC family also decided its new name.
Among knights of darkness and a nation of fire,
Rises the new ant colony: The Golden Empire. ding
The Golden Empire used all available resources,
And banded together their 3 queens joining forces.
Like the 3 kings of Magi bearing frankincense, myrrh, and gold,
The AC fam, too, has prepared 3 gifts. Behold!
3 large roaches prepared meticulously by hand,
Dissected and stuffed
With organic strawberry jam.
May these 3 gifts of love pass through their security teams,
And fly into the mouths of the empire’s 3 queens.
For it has been an epic year for us,
For our little ant club.
Well, perhaps, not so little anymore.
We hit half a million subs!
fast Oh, my God. While this is amazing… fast
overlapping voices of appreciation
AC fam, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!
record scratch
clears throat
Sorry. small laugh Just a little burst there.
Gotta play it cool.
After all, this is an educational channel.
Back to our poem.
Many of you are ant keepers raising armies of your own.
Many of you may be starting to discover ant love, full-blown.
Many of you have written about how you’d never thought
You could ever love an insect, but now you love ants a lot.
We’ve read all your warm messages, from both parents and their kids,
How, together, you discovered the world of ants through these ant vids.
So whether your ants are sleeping on this cold winter night,
Or whether it’s anting season, and you’re searching for queens in flight,
We hope these ant videos will keep your curious mind blown
As you discover the lives of ants in our crafted ant homes.
And so, on this night, expressed as heartfelt as I can,
I feel so much gratitude to you, the AC fam.
I’m sure if these ants could talk or read messages from their fans,
They’d thank you for supporting and for giving ant love a chance.
Here’s a toast with some egg nog ding to our new ant beginnings,
And to your loved ones and colonies, more blessings and ant winnings.
From your ant nerd AntsCanada, to every AC family member,
Happy holidays to all, and to all, ant love forever.
Greetings, AC family.
First, I would like to thank you for watching this video.
As always, it means so much to me, and
If you enjoyed it, please feel free to subscribe to this channel and give this video a thumbs up.
Second, AC family, we did it! We hit 500K subs!
Thank you guys so much. It’s just crazy.
I cannot believe over half a million of you guys liked watching and learning about ants each week.
Insects which most people take for granted or don’t even think about at all.
You guys truly are ambassadors of ant love.
Third, for all of you inner-colony members,
Of course, I’ve included a hidden cookie for you guys here, ding
Where you can just watch ants drinking egg nog.
It was funny. At first, they didn’t like it and were a bit skeptical of it,
But soon warmed up to it and couldn’t get enough egg nog.
Fourth, I would like to take this opportunity to wish each and every one of you out there watching a warm season’s greetings.
No matter what it is you may be celebrating this season,
May you, your loved ones, and your ants
Be immersed in happiness and joy.
Thank you guys so much for being a part of this whole ant journey with me on this channel.
And, finally, we can’t end without our
ding AC Question of the Week.
Last week, we asked
What is the name of the species featured in our last video that gives piggyback rides to fellow smaller sisters?
Congratulations to ding Ryanplays101, who correctly answered Carebara diversa, or Asian marauder ants.
Congratulations, Ryanplays101, you just won a free AC test tube portal V2 from our shop.
And for this week’s AC Question of the Week, we ask
The honey into which the Dark Knights’ cockroaches were dipped came from what country?
Leave your answer in the comment section, and you could win our brand-new AC test tube rack V2 from our shop,
Which is now clear, holds your test tube securely in place, and is stackable for extra security when storing.
Good luck, AC fam, and until next week,
It’s ant love forever.
music (Oh, Christmas Tree)